Leaving the City of Regret

Cerita, Motivasi, Inspirasi, Renungan, Regret

I had not really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet Ifound myself packing rather hurriedly. This trip was going to beunpleasant and I knew in advance that no real good would come of it. I'mtalking about my annual "Guilt Trip."

I got tickets to fly there on Wish I Had airlines. It was anextremely short flight. I got my baggage, which I could not check. Ichose to carry it myself all the way. It was weighted down with a thousandmemories of what might have been. No one greeted me as I entered theterminal to the Regret City International Airport. I say internationalbecause people from all over the world come to this dismal town.

As I checked into the Last Resort Hotel, I noticed that they would behosting the year's most important event, the Annual Pity Party. I wasn'tgoing to miss that great social occasion. Many of the towns leadingcitizens would be there.

First, there would be the Done family, you know, Should Have, WouldHave and Could Have. Then came the I Had family. You probably know ol'Wish and his clan. Of course, the Opportunities would be present, Missedand Lost. The biggest family would be the Yesterday's. There are far toomany of them to count, but each one would have a very sad story to share.

Then Shattered Dreams would surely make and appearance. And It'sTheir Fault would regale us with stories (excuses) about how things hadfailed in his life, and each story would be loudly applauded by Don't BlameMe and I Couldn't Help It.

Well, to make a long story short, I went to this depressing partyknowing that there would be no real benefit in doing so. And, as usual, Ibecame very depressed. But as I thought about all of the stories offailures brought back from the past, it occurred to me that all of thistrip and subsequent "pity party" could be cancelled by ME! Istarted totruly realize that I did not have to be there. I didn't have to bedepressed. One thing kept going through my mind, I CAN'T CHANGE YESTERDAY,BUT I DO HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE TODAY A WONDERFUL DAY. I can be happy,joyous, fulfilled, encouraged, as well as encouraging. Knowing this, Ileft the City of Regret immediately and left no forwarding address. Am Isorry for mistakes I've made in the past? YES! But there is no physicalway to undo them.

So, if you're planning a trip back to the City of Regret, pleasecancel all your reservations now. Instead, take a trip to a place called,Starting Again. I liked it so much that I have now taken up permanentresidence there. My neighbors, the I Forgive Myselfs and the New Startsare so very helpful. By the way, you don't have to carry around heavybaggage, because the load is lifted from your shoulders upon arrival. Godbless you in finding this great town. If you can find it -- it's in yourown heart -- please look me up. I live on I Can Do It street.

Sumber: Cerita Motivasi & Inspirasi

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